Thursday, March 25, 2010

Missing In Action

Whats good.. I been kinda MIA as of recent.. nothin new really goin on in my world other than the usual everyday things of life.. hopefully I can hit ya'll wit some good to exciting news.. when that time comes, hopefully I'll be able to keep u update on some of the things goin on outside of twitter.. anywho get atcha boy @

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Been Awhile

its been a minute since i blogged.. but imma get back on it soon enough.. in the mean time.. follow me on twitter @Spence_MAJORS

Friday, July 3, 2009

Been Slippin

Well.. it been 3 days since forever when I last updated the blog.. dont even kno where to start where to "middle" and where to end lol.. but yet and still I'm typin a whole lotta nothingness lol.. well.. currently in the studio.. well and least the computer lounge part.. yest we have a lil computer lounge.. ya'll aint ready for this spot yo.. and no this is not somebody's crib LMAO.. thats so 4 months ago LMAO.. but hmm.. what can i really talk about.. other than the personal stuff but.. I'm not about to get into all that jus yet..
so on the note Love, Peace and Chicken Grease (lmao.. sorry I was watchin The Pest)

Thanks for Flyin SPENCE CONTINENTAL!!!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

After A lil Reflection

Well I jus been thinkin about stuff a whole lot lately and ugh..... like some things that I want to happen really aint.. and It’s like I drew this beautiful picture, but I never signed it.. Sure the picture is marvelous, but nobody knows who I am.. And if I told you who I was you would laugh at me.. So who am I now.. Just some guy tryna find that perfect masterpiece.. But this time I’m gonna make sure I sign it.. I’m gonna let it be known to the world that I finally got my masterpiece.. And I love it.. Am I crazy for wantin something so beautiful.. That no matter what you try to add or take away from it, its still as beautiful as the first time you laid eyes on it.. Well jus call me a crazy artist tryna attain this beauty with each stroke of the paint brush.. But maybe I’m over-thinkin things.. Maybe I should start from scratch and come up with something I can be satisfied with.. But the thing is, I can’t do that jus yet.. As an artist my heart won’t let me.. I could never settle for less and if you can see this vivid image thru my eyes you would understand where I’m comin from.. There is no such thing as back to the drawin board.. Cuz I’ve seen the result of that and it’s been everything but perfect.. Cuz deep down I always knew there was this work of art at my finger tips.. But for some reason I could never finish the picture.. Something always seems to get in the way of my happiness.. Whether it’s another artist workin on the masterpiece I kno deep down should have been signed I claimed by no one else but myself.. Or just me.. Constantly in search of perfect shades of grey that blurs the lines between black and white.. in hopes that the colors I chose harmonize and works in a way that who ever may see me with my masterpiece would say that it shouldn’t be done any other way.. But no matter how close I was.. I never signed it.. Then I realize, that all this time I’ve been drawin circles.. I’M ONLY DRAWIN CIRCLES.

which believe it or not brings me up to the point that I guess I was tryna make.. I can say that I feel like I'm at the point where I can jus move on.. not sayin I can jus up and give up.. but there really is no point on lingering.. I saw the sign.. NO LOITERING lmao.. I'm jus sayin.. if it hasn't happen by now.. its no point of gettin my hopes up..

But ughmm.. reflection can bring up alot lol

With that Said.. 

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Been A While

Hey everybody out here in the Blogverse.. its been a good minute since i updated the old blog.. but i thought I'd knock a quickie out until I get my thought collected.. ughmm.. I guess I'll be back wit more later on.. oh yea currently in the studio.. The Thinkers Lab that is.. so i'm kinda in the middle of somethin

so Thanks for Flyin Spence Continental

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Been Awhile

i kno i been for a minute jus been busy workin.. ughmm currently working on the Rich Boy Records album cover.. be on the lookout for that.. oh I did a couple designs for So Fokised Clothing line also be on the look out for that.. ughmm I'll let u kno when anything else pop off

Thanks for flyin Spence Continental!!!

Thursday, April 23, 2009


Well this might be my last update for a minute until I have a decent internet situation.. but today is my last final.. and last day of class for now.. hopefully my school don't screw me and say that I have another class I can take before I can graduate cuz imma have to punch somebody square in the face lmao.. but naw I'm jus playin wit ya'll.. but that would be some bull.. and DU is known for throwin people in the ringer.. but I would say I kinda enjoyed my lil time here at Davenport.. its not the livest school to go to.. but it wasted a whole lot of my time.. I mean serious now, 4 years for a 2 year Associate.. hahaa.. it may look like I be on some bullshit and I kinda was.. but they never really had all the classes I needed to graduate.. especially when it came down to takin the classes for my major.. but thats the College life.. dang I jus literally lost my train of thought.. oh well it might come back to me sooner or later.. but on a side note u can also follow me on the old twitter thing..
I mean it aint much really goin on right this moment.. but its gonna be an interesting summer lol.. ughhmmm what else what else.. oh an update on what I been drawin lately.. well I'm currently workin on an Album cover for this record company in the D.. cant really disclose too much info on that at the time but it comin along great.. I jus gotta scout a few location to add some scenery in the background and waht not.. ughmm more of my work can be found at..
ughmm I think that about covered it.. oh I jus got that Asher Roth.. I'm lookin forward to givin it a listen when I get outta class.. I'll be sure to let u kno whats up.. plus I kno what to expect so I'm sure its gonna be all good after listenin to Greenhouse Effect