Monday, March 30, 2009


Hahahaaa.. well I jus been on the old youtube checkin out some of these ol videos.. and well I jus had to watch this video once again.. but its from MrChiCity3.. dont kno how mant people be up on him.. but my mans be havin me dyin.. I mean damn.. he a funny dude let me post this video right cheer lol... but take a watch right quick and enjoy laugihn at the stuff I do lol


hey whats good people.. It me, Spence, it really is lol.. but ughh nothin new or excitin goin on at the moment.. oh yea the show is in a few days theres the flier again.. i hope yall can make it out to support my bro..
well at this very moment I'm finishin up this lil report for this lil Secuirty Foundations class.. ughmm I really hate APA style lol..
but it got to be done.. ughmm I really really really have nothin to talk about other than remind u of the upcoming performance
Until Next Time.. Spence Over And Out

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Class BLEEHHH!!!!

Well... jus here in class as usual.. thought I'd update the old blog.. but realized I didn't have much to talk about.. oh.. I jus got stuck on this Java program lol.. I hate Java.. I dont even like COFFEE because java is slang for it lol.. JAVA JAVA JAVA JAVA JAVA.. i hate it so much right now..

But on a lighter note.. I jus jus jus managed to get my program workin.. this A.D.D is not controllin me lmao

but yet and still I hate JAVA!!!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Good Day Sir/Madaam

Hello out there.. its Spence comin to drop off the not so daily more like whenever I feel like it blog.. ughmm well.. i only really get to do my blog thing at school cuz the the internet aint at the crib lol.. plus this is way more fun than learning right.. lol.. I mean who wants to go to school to be in debt.. I didnt but hey shyt happens right.. well I guess when I get this degree I can find a lil slave job unwillingly giving my monies to (insert lender here).. ughmm didnt plan on speakin on school but it happens sometimes..

So on an unrelated note.. still lovin the Bamboo Tablet.. if u have any interest at all in drawin it is a pretty good investment.. try to get one if u can.. my boy Vince (pixalate his name for security purposes lol) jus copped one.. and uhhh bada baa baa baaaa he lovin it lmao no homo

ok.. this one imma cut A lil short.. so ughmm thats the way the cookie crumbles

Spence OVER AND OUT!!!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


It's your friendly neighborhood blogger Spence.. ha.. looks like another topic-less post.. but twho cares.. jus felt like typin up some stuff.. so where do I start... gyaaaahhhhh (thats my anime scream by the way).. but I cant think of nothin at the moment.. but hmm.. oh I'm at school right now.. dont ask me how I always got time to blog at school.. but hey.. I dont got the internet at my crib.. so u gotta make due.. I guess u can say thats coonin.. lol.. think about it.. I'm makin good use of some free resources lol.. coon.. ok but like I was about to say before I started ramblin.. I was goin thru my thumb drive and saw a pic I drew wit that Bamboo tablet I talked about in yesterdays blog.. its Kinda REALLY BIG though (a normal coon would type "doe" lol) but it right there on the right, right there.. ok this is jus a lil step by step thing on how the picture came to completion.. ughmm yea I aint even gonna lie.. this chick been on my mind a lot lately I mean I'm I'm really feelin her... but i dont kno mayb she'll come around and start talkin to ya boy.. she kinda gotta on and off thing goin on.. but mayb I can give her somethin solid (lol that sound kinda sexual lmao).. but hey I'm thinkin I shouldnt be typin that.. but what the heck.. I'm jus tryna be real wit ya'll.. What would a blog be if u cant keep it one hun'ed wit the masses.. hmm nothin of interest I guess.. but ugh I think my teacher bout to walk in, in a second.. but Imma still be doin this.. can't help it lol..

Oh.. before I go.. my boy Gairyd Fuller has a performance on April Third @ The Modern Exchange.. check out the music.. .... (thats my page) .. ... .. ..
I think that about everybody.. ughmm thats it for now...

Oh if u want me to share my thoughts about anything feel free to drop a comment or somethin.. i'll be sure to up somethin tehee (thats my anime school girl laugh hahahaa no homo)

Spence Over and Out!!!

Monday, March 23, 2009

MAD lol

Ughmm.. jus sittin here chattin wit GOOFTROOP via FaceBook.. and yea she won't share her food wit me.. I mean I kno it aint like she can email me a taste.. but dang.. I'm hungry like a muuuggGGGGG.. and she gon be a big meany lol.. but thats quite alright doe.. I aint trippin.. Imma be a coon a grab me some Hot Chips and a Grape drink out this vendin machine before I hit this class up.. oh yea.. it looks like she might be gettin stranded.. not funny but somebody aint answerin they phone as usual so.. haaa that WHOMPS lol.. get up on the Recess lingo people.. but let me wrap this blog up like safe sex and get ready for this class.. hopefully this person comes thru for her.. but then again she bein stingy wit the food.. gimme a taste LOL

OVER AND OUT!!!! yo <-(homage to Gairyd Fuller favorite word yo!!)


hello.. ughmm normally I have a lil topic i wanna discuss.. but I guess I jus feel like talkin about whatever comes to mind at the moment.. Oh.. u should kno who I am by now.. but if u dont let me let u kno its me Spence.. so at this moment i'm really jus up here up in school waitin for class to start.. but that ain't for another 2 hours.. so i'm here doin this.. Oh yea.. did u realize I like the color purple LMAOO.. RAN-DUMB!!!

So I jus got me a new toy about a week ago.. a Wacom Bamboo Tablet..

it take some time to get used to and what not.. but if u draw.. then the learnin curve is about 30 minutes.. real talk.. ha.. I wasnt plannin on talkin about some art stuff really but thats jus me I guess.. ughmm I really havent had the time to actually sit down and finish a picture from beginnin to end.. but mayb thats a lil A.D.D playin a role in that.. but I did manage to get close to finishin one.. ughmm I might post it up when I can.. but since I'm here in school.. i cant.. lol

Enough about the art stuff.. we'll get more on that later.. so i'm sittin here right.. I been bangin that Joe Budden- Padded Room.. and that has to be one of the best rap albums in the past couple of years.. Budden's was always one of my favorites since Pump It Up.. his little hiatus was kinda gettin to me.. but I was content bangin his mixtapes.. but that moment when i finally got to throw that Padded Room on.. wit the volume on max.. I knew the wait was well worth it.. hopefully people stop sleepin on him ughmm heres what that album art look like in case u wanna take a lil listen

So go outside.. get in yo car, yo mom/dad/brother/sister/cousin/uncle/aunt/etc/slash-slash/ car, head to whatever store sells cds.. go to the music isle, search for a second.. nope thats not it.. yea that one.. rush to the checkout.. the one wit the shortest line.. reach in yo pocket/wallet/purse/sock.. pull out the exact amount.. it has to be the exact.. had it to the clerk.. grab yo receipt.. head back to the vehicle u came in.. open the cd.. (damn plastic.. bite it.. yea thats it) now carefully eject the last cd u was bangin and toss it lol.. then prepare for the madness lmao... hahaaahahaa.. i'm so bored right now.. cant u tell.. but hmm.. I guess i'm bout to publish this right fast.. but cop the album people real talk


Cartoons and Toys..HAAA

Ok.. come one come all.. welcome to the Spence show.. I’m your host for the evening.. now.. I jus wanna talk about a few things.. like kids shows and toys lol.. ok.. now I was watchin a few shows wit my cousin, so don’t think I jus be watchin them because.. so the main show that got me scratchin my head was Dora the Explorer.. I kno you thinkin.. “No NOT DORA”.. yes Dora.. ok let me explain.. Now Dora is a little girl around the age of 3 to lets say 6.. that’s a reasonable age.. but anywho.. you might think its jus another sweet and innocent lil cartoon for kids.. but take a closer look to what you are exposing our youth to.. I mean for real.. are we teaching our kids how to RUN AWAY??.. seriously what kid goes on an “Adventure”.. by themselves.. and at such a young age.. somebody is not be responsible here.. we have a lil girl.. wit a back pack on on talkin bout.. “Lets go on an adventure lmao.. that’s funny to me.. I kno u thinkin.. “So u tellin me this show is teachin kids how to run away??”.. my answer YES.. Think about it.. a lil kid.. all alone wit a bookbag and a map.. a talkin map at that.. she sound a lil schizo to me lmao.. not to mention she talkin to “Boots” lol.. I’m jus havin fun folks.. but let me think of another show.. haaa… Sesame Street lol.. Snuffleupagus aka Snuffy.. why he sound like a junkie.. “HELLLLLLLOO BIIIIIRRD” lol.. ya’ll kno how he sound lol.. plus we got an interracial gay couple.. Bert and Ernie.. the white guy and Mexican guy lol.. jus kiddin but think about it lol.. oh not to mention that Gordon was an actual pimp.. well he played one at least.. but let me get to one of the toys from our youth that jus popped in my head when I started this blog.. Mr Bucket.. enough said.. whats wrong wit that toy.. think about the song.. heres a reminder.. I’m Mr Bucket (pop) put the balls in my mouth.. its Mr Bucket (pop) watch me pop em back out… LMAO.. let me stop wit this coonery.. cuz obviously I had a lil too much time on my hands and had nothing better to do lol.. so.. on that note.. it’s been fun..

Spence OVER AND OUT!!!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

It's So Cold In The D

Where do I start wit this one.. Oh I kno.. let me start by sayin you are about to embark on a journey wit me..Spence.. Ok.. lets start wit the video.. For one this is an utterly repulsive disrespectful song to anybody in the Great Lakes area.. I would have had more fun watchin paint dry.. in a room that can't dry.. Speakin of fun.. it look like the extras would rather be spendin there afternoon gettin that long overdue root canal at an unlicensed dentist office.. what is the point of this video.. there is none so lets get to the song.. WTF.. where do I even start.. how about the beat.. it sound like the soundtrack to the first porn flick wit sound.. now lets get to the song itself.. Well.. the sound of dentist drills plus nails on a chalkboard accompanied by the sweet ambient sound of two Styrofoam cups rubbing together is more invitin than the song.. somebody should have relied heavily on auto tune.. what else.. oh the song had absolutely no structure at all.. how terrible can u get.. how do u overlap your hooks and verse to the point there are very noticeable.. i mean for real.. how do u have yo hook come in 2 bars before the hook breakdown.. let me tell u how.. she spit a 13 bar verse an 11 and i think a 12.. that may not be the correct order but pretty close.. but the song is structured for 16 bar verses.. As for the Rhyme Scheme.. there was none.. so this song was badly structured from the get go.. how do u make a terrible song on purpose.. for real.. back to the structure.. Improv Comedy has more structure.. A Picasso has more structure.. COONS Organizin an event has more structure.. even Chicken Pox has structure lol.. I feel sorry for the engineers who had to sit through this recordin session.. they was probably holdin a gun durin the time waitin to Chris Benoit when she finished the track.. wait can u call this a track.. TRAIN DERAILED.. lets come up wit a better term for this... hmmmmm.. think Think THINK... uuuuuhhhh let jus call it an "Attempted Suicide".. I kno she had them thoughts writin this song.. she need to go home.. head to that medicine cabinet.. grab that bottle.. get one of those KILL YOSELF PILLS.. and pop it.. Simple and Plain.. dont wanna be mean about it but damn.. u gotta be critical sometime.. but I'm done for now and is gonna post a link to the video to RUIN your day MWAAAHHAAAHAAHHAAA (thats my villain laugh)

but i hope u enjoyed this journey.. exits are on the left and right.. thank you for flyin Spence Continental


Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Mr Me Too

Yes.. back to blog about nothin.. I guess u must already kno I gotta re introduced myself.. so prepare to take this journey wit ya boi Spence.. ughmm before I get into my usual ramblings about absolutely nothin.. check out the music at\darrenjplace
and my personal page.. music should be on there today but page still under construction

ok.. time to get back on task.. well Mr Me Too's aka Mr One Up Yo Dumb Ass.. well this is a very serious issue wit me.. people who claim they did somethin when they kno damn well they aint did shit.. like i kno somebody who always did somethin when somebody is discussin somethin that really happened to them.. I mean come.. do u gotta jump in everybody conversation and say u did that earlier or last week.. COOOONIIIINNNN!!!! lol you already kno I had to thro a coon in the mix somewhere.. But this problem is really gettin outta hand.. its not possible to do all the things u said u did.. I mean come on bruh.. u done contradicted yo stories on many occasions.. but lets not get into details.. we all kno Coons get highly upset about bein exposed.. I bet I can get him to contradict at least 80 % of what he claim.. and everybody else I kno.. (u coons kno who u are).. can get that extra 20% out of him lol.. U kno what.. I'm gonna make this a short one.. cuz I kno without all my detailed examples... I'm jus another coon talkin about nothin..


Monday, March 16, 2009

Lil Wayne- Rebirth

The Rock Album

Not the offical cover but you get the picture lol
OK.. It's Spence yet again.. Imma keep sayin my name until u remeber lmao jus kiddin..

But I wanted to get into the whole Lil Wayne meets Rock thing.. Now personally, I like the song Prom Queen.. it grew on me.. And I'm actually lookin forward to the album.. I kno its a departure from what we expect out of Wayne.. So people... can we stop bein COONS for jus a second.. I mean damn.. people were skeptical about Kanye latest project 808's and Heartbreak

And i kno alot of people discredit Ye for makin the album.. but if u ever took the time to listen to it, u gonna more than likely appreciate it.. But maybe thats me.. comin from a guy involved wit music.. But enough about Mr West for the moment.. lets get back at the topic at hand.. Rebirth.. now this album can go either way with "me".. It can be a Hit or a Miss.. Now I already kno alot of people (mainly die hard Weezy fans) are gonna cop it cuz its Wayne.. DUUHH i didn't see that comin.. and most people to at least hear it.. and i mean get a good listen to it out of sheer curiosity.. And maybe a few people that liked Prom Queen and may not have even heard a Lil Wayne song (how likely is that.. he probably gotta song wit Kenny Chesney for all I kno lol) and believe the album could potentially be a success.. but knowin Wayne's audience they gon be Coons a pass on it.. maybe that is.. I'm jus makin observations.. but me.. Imma get it.. i'm not Biased when it comes to good music.. I could make a list and ya'll might look at me like WTF does this coon listen to.. I mean i basically listen to whats relatable on the real.. but don't get me wrong.. sometime u need some Gucci in yo life hahahaha no homo.. so wit all of that nothin bein said.. the album is if not anything else worth a listen.. I mean 808's and Heartbreak is a CLASSIC and how many people slept on that.. plus if u think about it rock is essentially rap minus some guitar and a lil screamin lol.. well.. we will jus have to wait to get a better perspective on the whole album.. hey it might end up bein another Carter plus alot of auto Coon (i mean tune lol) ya'll knew it was comin like a guy at a sperm bank NO HOMO!!! but I'm done sharin.. cuz lets face it.. ya'll coons probably tired of readin

Spence Over and Out


Yes Octomom

Oh by the way its me again Spence.. I kno u wonderin.. OCTOMOM??!! Why the hell would u talk about her?? well its quite simple.. the whole thing is hilarious to me.. I mean come on a chick wit 14 kids becomin a celebrity for take one for the team sorta speak.. who gets famous for havin kids.. WTF!!! i mean she is super retarded fertile.. I mean if I was to bust a nut next to her she might have triplets.. but I'm only talkin bout this not because I'm mad or upset about the whole thing.. but the media is killin me.. i kno i'm probably bout to go on a lil rant about the "media" but what the hell lol.. whats funny about the whole situation is the "media" flat out.. they bad mouth her for gaining celebrity for havin a few kids.. I mean damn how u think yo stupid ass got here (not u reader.. them media coons lol).. bus seriously folks.. they say she tryna gain media attention when they the same people runnin stories on her day in and day out.. talkin bout "OMG she already had like 8 kids and now you've had 8 more your such a terrible person".. or "do u kno that your setting a very bad example for young girls around the world".. NO u stupid COONS.. don't nobody (yes I kno I used a double negative but Imma COON lol) but dont nobody kno who this chick is.. u makin this fertile chick set a bad example dummy.. i mean on the real coons.. u got this chick in every story they run.. I swear I saw somethin about her watchin the Sportscenter Highlights.. and did Obama give a shout out lmao.. ok I'm jus coonin now folks, but i'm jus sayin she be everywhere u look now.. its funny how a coon like her can get famous on some dumb shit.. and YES she is a COON for havin like 16 kids witout a job.. COONERY!!!!!.. cuz we all kno Coons dont work lmao.. jus kiddin coons ya'll kno we gettin money...(the coon way).. But thats enough about her for now.. imma find a picture of her to post right quick jus because I can..

OK thats not really her.. but come on people ya'll kno thats comedy lol.. but i'm bout to stop talkin bout this chick.. plus i wanna catch on on Dr Phil tonight LMAO.. oh have u heard she got offered a mil to do a flick wit Vivid Entertainment.. I might have to check that out bein a coon and every thing lol.. I mean she gotta be a freak 16 kids come on now LMMFAO!!! COOONIIIN.. iight I'm gone


Thursday, March 12, 2009


Lights Camera........

ok folks I'm back.. it's me Spence lol.. I realized i forgot to mention my boi Gairyd Fuller has a show on April THIRD I repeat thats APRIL 3RD so be sure to come out and support us.. it will be held at the Modern Exchange

thats the lil promotional flyer for the show.. all the information u need is right there in plain view.. so be sure to check that out.. the music is slammin like a 8 car pile up on a friday night drivin in Detroit winter weather lol.. random I kno.. but check out the myspace if u need some convincin.. thats be sure to add and leave a lil feedback as well.. ughmm no more news at the moment.. still in class COONIN as usual.. jus had to put it out there that there is a PERFORMANCE on APRIL 3rd at the MODERN EXCHANGE be there or be square LMMFAO!! COOOOOOOONS (that was a lil unecessary)

Extra Extra!!!

Whats goin on world.. if u don't kno u gon kno, it's ya boi Spence aka QuickDraw.. jus a lil about me before I start one of my random rambles.. I'm an artist if u havent noticed from the profile pic.. I do some music.. my personal page is under construction but feel free to check out the group page.. if you like what u hear feel free to leave a comment/message and give us an add.. if u interested in seeing some art that I have done check out .. unfortunately the internet connection that I've been usin made deviantart impossible to navigate so the artwork on there is from like 08.. but I been plannin to update when I can get to a good enough connection.. sooo thats pretty much me in a nut shell... now on to my random ramblings lol

ok.. now i'm pretty upset my Malcolm X glasses are broke

and that upset me alot.. like.. i jus wanna trip somebody.. or walk up to a random person and lightly shove them or somethin.. ok.. not too upset about the lost but.. they were my favorite.. so now I guess I'm jus gonna have to cop me some Moscot's.. dont kno if u ever heard of them.. but they pretty fresh.. here take a look lol

See what I mean.. Yea kinda breath taking lmao.. but on the real these jawns are pretty damn dope.. I gotta grab me a pair of these before I see somebody else wit em on and jus make me not even want a pair.. that kinda stuff right there urks me.. but enough about these for now... i might go into more details later.. I'm kinda in class..

and seein as how I'm in class at the moment Imma go ahead and publish this right now.. and stop bein a coon by not doin what I'm in school for.. Awww man.. I feel my A.D.D. kickin in and I might have to go on a lil rant on COONS... *surpressing urges* ok I'm Good

Over And Out