Monday, March 16, 2009

Lil Wayne- Rebirth

The Rock Album

Not the offical cover but you get the picture lol
OK.. It's Spence yet again.. Imma keep sayin my name until u remeber lmao jus kiddin..

But I wanted to get into the whole Lil Wayne meets Rock thing.. Now personally, I like the song Prom Queen.. it grew on me.. And I'm actually lookin forward to the album.. I kno its a departure from what we expect out of Wayne.. So people... can we stop bein COONS for jus a second.. I mean damn.. people were skeptical about Kanye latest project 808's and Heartbreak

And i kno alot of people discredit Ye for makin the album.. but if u ever took the time to listen to it, u gonna more than likely appreciate it.. But maybe thats me.. comin from a guy involved wit music.. But enough about Mr West for the moment.. lets get back at the topic at hand.. Rebirth.. now this album can go either way with "me".. It can be a Hit or a Miss.. Now I already kno alot of people (mainly die hard Weezy fans) are gonna cop it cuz its Wayne.. DUUHH i didn't see that comin.. and most people to at least hear it.. and i mean get a good listen to it out of sheer curiosity.. And maybe a few people that liked Prom Queen and may not have even heard a Lil Wayne song (how likely is that.. he probably gotta song wit Kenny Chesney for all I kno lol) and believe the album could potentially be a success.. but knowin Wayne's audience they gon be Coons a pass on it.. maybe that is.. I'm jus makin observations.. but me.. Imma get it.. i'm not Biased when it comes to good music.. I could make a list and ya'll might look at me like WTF does this coon listen to.. I mean i basically listen to whats relatable on the real.. but don't get me wrong.. sometime u need some Gucci in yo life hahahaha no homo.. so wit all of that nothin bein said.. the album is if not anything else worth a listen.. I mean 808's and Heartbreak is a CLASSIC and how many people slept on that.. plus if u think about it rock is essentially rap minus some guitar and a lil screamin lol.. well.. we will jus have to wait to get a better perspective on the whole album.. hey it might end up bein another Carter plus alot of auto Coon (i mean tune lol) ya'll knew it was comin like a guy at a sperm bank NO HOMO!!! but I'm done sharin.. cuz lets face it.. ya'll coons probably tired of readin

Spence Over and Out

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